Black buttocks, striped buttocks, what to do? Here are 8 easy ways to solve the problem that you may not have known.

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If we talk about the buttocks, even though it is a part of the skin that is covered and not everyone can see it easily, there are still quite a few girls who are worried because they have the problem of ” 

Black buttocks, striped buttocks, what to do? Here are 8 easy ways to solve the problem that you may not have known.

dark buttocks, buttocks with patterns “. When wearing shorts, wearing bikinis, playing in the water, showing off the buttocks, they are not confident, afraid that their dark buttocks or buttocks with patterns will stick out and be embarrassing. For these problems, do girls know what causes them?
Dark butt and patterned buttocks: What causes them ? Most

          ” dark buttocks ” are caused by frequent skin friction, such as friction against pants that are too tight, or friction against skin that is pressed together. In addition, problems with acne on the buttocks, allergic rashes, or the body expanding too quickly due to obesity are also causes of ” patterned buttocks ” easily.

How to fix dark buttocks and patterned buttocks

          Now that you know the causes of your dark buttocks and patterned buttocks, it’s time to learn how to deal with these problems. What are the methods? Let’s take a look.

1. Scrub your buttocks every time you shower.

          In addition to scrubbing your whole body every time you shower, don’t forget to scrub your buttocks as well, ladies. Many people neglect this area. But believe me, if you do it regularly, your dark buttocks and patterned buttocks will disappear quickly. This is because a lot of sweat and dirt tend to accumulate in this ufabet area. Using a loofah or sponge to gently scrub your butt in a circular motion will help remove dead skin cells. It also helps reduce the accumulation of bacteria that causes acne and patterned buttocks.

2. Apply cream to your butt regularly.

          Another important thing that many people often neglect is applying cream to the buttocks, which needs care like other parts. If you apply cream regularly, your buttocks will return to being smooth and soft, not dark, not dull, and not easily cracked. You should also choose to use a cream that contains AHA and Whitening, because it will help restore the skin around your buttocks to return to being smooth and shiny faster.

3. Apply cream to reduce dark buttocks and stretch marks.

          In addition to applying nourishing cream, applying cream to reduce dark buttocks and stretch marks at the same time can help solve the problem much faster. However, if you still don’t know which cream to use to reduce dark spots or stretch marks on the buttocks, follow the review of “ cream for dark groin ” that many girls have used and want to tell others about.

4. Scrub your buttocks once a week.

          Every week you should scrub your buttocks to exfoliate the skin at least once a week. You can use a natural scrub recipe or buy a scrub cream to make it yourself. When scrubbing, you should scrub gently. When you’re done scrubbing, apply coconut oil to your buttocks. This method will help strengthen the skin, prevent dryness, and will help reduce dark buttocks and stripes.

5. Eat foods that are beneficial to the skin.

          Choosing foods that are beneficial and contain antioxidants can also help solve the problem of dark buttocks and striped buttocks. You should choose to eat foods that are high in vitamin C and vitamin E because these two types of vitamins are beneficial to the skin and can help restore the skin to be stronger. Foods that contain these vitamins include milk, eggs, nuts, meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits.

6. Choosing underwear to wear can also help.

          For those with dark buttocks and striped buttocks, you should change to underwear that is not tight and has no seams. You should choose fabrics that are comfortable to wear, can breathe well, and are not stuffy, such as “cotton underwear.” This method will help reduce friction and reduce rashes or acne on the buttocks.

7. Do laser treatment, a shortcut to a beautiful buttocks quickly.

          For those who have tried the above methods and the problem of dark buttocks and striped buttocks has not improved, another solution is to do laser treatment to remove dark spots and stretch marks. Laser treatment will help inhibit the creation of skin pigments, similar to laser treatment for other parts of the skin or the face. However, the price is quite expensive. If any women are interested, they should consult a doctor or specialist before doing it.

8. Find a soft cushion to sit on.

          Sitting on the floor or a hard chair for a long time causes skin friction, which will make your butt darker. Therefore, it is best for ladies to find a soft cushion to sit on every time. This method will help reduce friction and prevent your butt from becoming dark.